More than
just accountants


At Cutler & Co, we offer a full range of accounting, assurance, tax and advisory services to bring order, clarity and strategic vision to your business and personal finances.

No matter what type of support you or your business requires, we'll design a customized package of services tailored to keep your finances organized, current, and accurate as part of a carefully thought out strategic plan to achieve your personal business goals.

Our capabilities


We provide financial management and CFO services to private and public businesses on a part-time or interim basis. Financial reporting, back office accounting, compliance - we are a turn-key outsourced CFO or Controller solution for growing companies. Cutler & Co. can provide you with the benefits of a full-time controller or CFO without the “full-time expense”.



We work with many public companies to help with annual and quarterly filings, registration statements, SEC compliance and more. From 10k filings to SEC response letters, we can help.

We streamline the audit process, saving our clients time and money and delivers quality results in a timely manner. We take the lead in managing and organizing the pre-audit and audit process from start to finish, following all AICPA and Securities and Exchange Commission reporting requirements.



Financial expertise to guide your strategy.

With our expert financial knowledge and business management experience, the team of CPAs at Cutler & Co. are here to provide a critical, analytical, data-driven perspective on important business decisions.


Covid 19 resources

We are grounded in our mission of helping our clients’ businesses, and the individuals who make them successful, achieve their goals. Our team has been closely monitoring the developments of the COVID-19 pandemic and are working hard to keep you informed of the implications to our clients and their businesses.

We provide find legislative and regulatory updates related to how COVID-19 may our clients and their businesses We will also share pertinent strategies to help you enable and your workforce and stay informed on how to get access to business disruption resources.

As Congress moves quickly to combat the impact of the coronavirus, We are here to help you develop the strategies, policies, and procedures necessary to navigate emergency scenarios to keep your business afloat. Whether you are looking for information on small business disaster assistance or important legislative implications to businesses, we will share news, resources and best practices for your business disruption and continuity needs.

Covid 19 resources


Real-time data to drive your success

Success in your business is largely dependent on your ability to see and understand the financial information about your operation. Keeping your books updated and in order is important, but one of the biggest benefits of having us do your bookkeeping, is the detailed reports and information that will be provided about your business.

Armed with this information you can be sure to make smarter decisions ensuring the growth and prosperity of your business.

At Cutler & Co we provide top of the line bookkeeping services for all industries and all situations, simple or complex.
Whatever your bookkeeping needs are we have a solution.

Let us make your life easier and take over the bookkeeping for your business today



Rest easy knowing that everything is taken care of

We provide a wide range of tax services for your business, personal finances and investments. We pride ourselves on breaking down detailed tax issues into understandable and valuable information to help you make the best tax decisions possible.

With the seemingly never ending changes to tax laws it’s important to have someone on your side you can trust and rely on to handle complicated tax issues and ensure that your and or your business is in tip top shape when it comes to the IRS.

There is one thing that seems to be more important to most people than anything else when it comes to their taxes… deductions!It’s our goal to help you take advantage of every deduction and every eligible credit possible for your individual or business situation.

Let us make your taxes stress free



We specialize in helping companies prepare for financial audits by presenting the right information in the right format to the right people
Cutler & Co. assists clients with all aspects of the PBC (“Prepared By Client”)/Supporting Schedule Development process and acts as a liaison between management and the external firms. We review bookkeeping for complex transactions to ensure compliance with technical rules, and regulations, and prepare schedules and calculations requested by the external firms.


Audit, Review and Compilation Reports

Our financial statement services comprise all three levels of assurance depending on your needs.


Audits offer the highest level of assurance to third parties, and include in-depth examination and confirmation of account balances, inventories, and selected transactions. We perform audits for you to remove errors, ascertaining the validity and reliability of your information.


Reviews provide limited assurance to outside interests and involve inquiries and analytical procedures that confirm financial statement matters and identify any items requiring further analysis. We perform reviews to ensure the integrity of your data.


Compilations are usually requested for internal purposes and are based upon information provided by a company's management. They do not offer assurance but may involve some adjustment to accounting records.

Audit, Review and Compilation Reports

What Our Customers Say About Us:

We recently started a new nonprofit organization that is fiduciary in nature, very complex and highly regulated. Successful operation will require a knowledgeable accountant with proven financial management skills. Having known David since 2002, and relied upon his work in the past, we did not hesitate to ask him to become part of our team. He created the pro forma financial statements for our 501(c)(3) application for tax exempt status. His work was accepted by the IRS without question. Recently he completed the year-end financials for the organization and arranged for an outside auditor to provide additional oversight. I recommend David Cutler as a very competent, dependable and thorough accounting professional, whose education and background give him an understanding of a broad range of business activities.

Rita Blackwood

Professional memberships and accreditations

Contact Us


T: +1 (303) 968-3281
M: +1 (303) 888-2082


+1 (303) 403-4338


Address. Please note our new address

12136 W. Bayaud Ave, Suite 300 Lakewood, CO 802283
