Give Your Dreams Room to Grow
Date Published

Your dreams are living things. Like other living things, they flourish when they have room to grow.

You can have the goals that self-help books recommend. You can have daily rituals and affirmations and all that. But if you don’t give your dreams room to grow, they’re not likely to come true. It’s easy to let your past accomplishments crowd out your future. Here are three things you can do.

Cut Back on Low Priority Busywork

Don’t be too busy to grow. Cut back on low- and no-priority tasks. Clear some space in your calendar. Call it an appointment with your future if you like.

Treasure the People Who Support Your Dreams

The friends and colleagues who supported you before may not know how valuable their help was. Let them know how thankful you are for it. Tell them what you want to do next.

For a new kind of life, you may need some new people to help you move ahead. Find people who can be as excited as you are about what you want to do. Ask them to help. Thank them when they do.

Give Your Dreams Time

Your dreams are important. Things that are important should get time. If you’ve already cleared out space in your calendar, this will be easier.

Set aside specific time every week to work on your dreams. It doesn’t have to be a lot. The time that works for me is about five hours a week.


It’s easy to let your past accomplishments crowd out your dreams.

Don’t be too busy to grow.

Cut back on low/no-priority activities.

Hang out with people who will help you get where you want to go.