A 6-point security checkup for working from everywhere
Date Published

No one has ever seen a year like 2020. These are unprecedented times for all of us — individuals, families, and organizations alike.

As we continue adapting to the changing conditions, it is important for organizations to review the actions they have taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and assess the effects of those actions on the organization’s cybersecurity posture.

The imposition of quarantines to contain the pandemic forced thousands of accounting firms, their clients, and corporate finance departments to convert, often overnight, to 100% remote work and/or a mix of working remotely on certain days. Now, three months or so after rushing to provide the technology and resources for accountants and other employees to work productively from home, many organizations are mixing the remote technology with on-site technology as some employees return to the office on a limited basis. All organizations should take a careful look at the IT security aspects of their technology setups, both for remote work and a mixed environment (some at home, some at the office). This article explores six areas of interest, explaining potential concerns and recommending actions to take.

For more on this topic, including stories from the front lines, please listen to the June 24 episode of the Go Beyond Disruption podcast “Cybersecurity Advisory. Working From Anywhere, Rebooting Securely.”

Area of interest 1: Hardware configurations

Area of interest 2: Personal devices connecting to network

Area of interest 3: Infrastructure governance

Area of interest 4: The location of company data

Area of interest 5: Videoconferencing

Area of interest 6: Security awareness training

In summary

Protecting your organizational information is now more important than ever — and more complicated — as employees are working from everywhere. Organizational technology teams have done an amazing job of keeping business running, as have creative employees. And now is the time to enhance security settings and communication of security responsibilities. In addition to the technology, focus on educating your people on the importance of security.

Christine Figge, CPA, CGMA, and Jennifer Zanone, CISA, PMP contributed to this article.